Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve in Guam

Hello and Merry Christmas from Guam! Yesterday was Christmas Eve and I spent the day with some new friends I met at the hospital, Andrew-who is nurse in the OR and his wife Mi and their 4 children. The 5 yr old is named Joseph so I remember his name but the other 3 names were unfamiliar and I can not remember them...but all very sweet and cute kids. I was also with the eye doc, Matt and his 2 boys,Trip and Cash, yes those are the boys names. Not sure if I spelled them correctly but that is the names. Cash walked around all day with the lizard he had caught the day before and he took very good care of it, Cash is only 2 yrs old.   So we spent Christmas Eve going to a cave and going swimming. As you can see the water was crystal clear and beautiful. I was a little nervous going in because I have a pretty great fear of drowning and anything that has to do with water makes me a bit nervous. But I got in and even went from one pool of water to another via a crack that you swim through. I'm not going to lie, I was scared, it was dark and If I wouldn't have gotten through when I did panic would have set in. The kids even did it with more bravery than me.  
 After our adventure all went to our respective homes and cleaned up and then met back at Andrew and Mi's house for a very nice meal of baked ham and salad and corn and spinach and lots of other goodies. It was delicous and nice to see that other families dinner tables are alot like ours, a bit of craziness and lots of love.
I then went on to Christmas Eve vigal with some other friends and then out for another late dinner. Mass was beautiful and lots of Christmas carols that I already new!

These are my friends after church at the restaurant (Kings) for a bite to eat. I got home at 11:45 pm and gave my family a call back home to tell them I saw Santa up in the sky and he would be heading to the Main Land soon. Then a nice sleep and Christmas has now arrived...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed your first Boonie Stomp. It looks like Marble Cave, I've only been there once. So, what did you have to eat at kings? MERRY CHRISTMAS BRANDEE!!!!
