Tuesday, February 7, 2012

18 more days

So Yesterday I was talking with a friend about how I am working out more than ever but can't lose wt or even feel healthier for that matter...no magic answers but 1 thought came to mind. Instead of running around after children and running up and down steps for this that and the laundry, I work out and then sit on the sofa
the rest of then evening. So I have come to the conclusion this formal exercise here in Guam is taking the place of all the running around I did as a Mom. So logic then tells me that I am lucky I just stayed the same here and did not gain wt and that if I keep up the exercise when I get back to the states and start running around like crazy again with the kids that I will then see some progress...Yes, I have too much alone time which lead to too much thinking.


  1. Well your friend was right! That makes complete sense! Can't believe your count down is finally in the teens, stay strong, see ya soon!

  2. I have several thoughts on this. and I love the pics, btw. Yes, we are busy as moms and that keeps us somewhat in shape. However, nothing takes the place of weight training and yoga, meditation is key. I would like to delve into Tai Chi next. Are you visualizing a better body? are you having a positive mind set? are you visualizing your muscles strengthening? all this is key. Are you visualizing a perfect you? are you eating healthy foods, and imagining them as revitalizing your energy in a positive way? the positive mind set will alter the body much more than the exercise will. mind is connected to body...body to mind.

    stay happy and your body will follow.

    we can do weight training when you return.

    there is your magic answer.

    and, I am reading masaru emoto- you can read about him online but i'll give you the book when you return. it is truly amazing.


  3. and , instead of fighting the fat, love yourself and your body when you exercise... think of all it has done for you.... it has carried and birthed successfully three healthy children...

    thank it for that- tell it you want it to be its best.
