Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A day in the life a Navy dietitian

Well, working full time outside the home is definately something I am not used to, as you all know. It doesn't feel too strange yet because it feels like a normal 2 week AT for the Navy. Once it drags on for 4,5,6+ weeks then it will start feeling weird I suspect.

I certainly don't want to give up my life as a stay at home mom, however the military life feels good. There is alot of support. We are almost all in the same boat, away from friends and family and doing our jobs as best we can to support our military. If the kids were a bit older and the military would let me pick where to go I think Mark and I would do good as a military family. However, that is not likely going to happen (the letting me pick part) so I will stick with the reserves for now.

So, I have a nice size office all to myself. Don't have to share with anyone! I also have my very own assistant/secretary/helper whenever he isn't called away for something else the Navy thinks is more important! He is mine about 4 days a week. Yes my secretary is a man! I could get used to this. He is a CS2, which mean culinary specialist, but he isn't needed in the galley (cafeteria) so he is mine! He actually got my tire filled with air the other day because I played the "girlie" role and didn't want to figure out how to do it myself. My hubby spoils me at home so I don't have to do that stuff. The check tire pressure came on again today but instead of having CS2 fill it up again, I had him get me Avis's phone # and I called them up and had them bring me a new car. I started out with a toyota Yaris with 43000 miles on it and a crappy tire and now I have a brand new Toyota yaris with 850 miles. Nice trade if I do say so myself! Plus he came to the hotel so I didn't have to find the place.

Today I was a bit homesick. Had few tears this morning with my hubby but all is well. I have had nothing but Asian type food since i've been here, which is good but today since I was homesick I stooped very low and had Mcdonalds. I'm imbarresed to admit it but my filet-a-fish and french fries did make me feel better!

I'm still on a good role with the exercise but no body changes yet...bummer. But I know it has to be good for me anyway.

Well i have to read some papers to prepare to teach a gestational diabetes class in the morning. I have to brush up on some of this stuff I haven't done in awhile. Lots of prego women on a navy base!

Have a great Navy Day!


  1. I love hearing about your days! I feel so bad that you are homesick, that is no fun at all. I think your hubby is missing you too! Matt picked up the kids today and Mark came over for dinner. We'll have to try Skype soon!

  2. i know this is an old blog post but i have been searching for a naval nutritionist for a while now. i am 15 yrs. and i have a school project about what you want to do when your older and well you have just the job i hope to have . i was wondering if i could ask you a few more question on your career
